Monday 5 October 2009

Making Sense of Binneh's article on Yahya's U.N drama: scholarship or a Change of heart

"...Yahya Failed short to use the occasion in building his image as a champion of justice and the rule of law.” Binneh
Fail to build his image. Is this coming from Lt Binneh? A man who after Ramadan threaten to kill, what more evidence those Binneh requires in arriving at a more tangible scholarly conclusion? No one will be mistaken if Binneh is accuses of cosying-up to Yahya.

“He could have used the international occasion to bridge the divide by apologizing to all victims of alleged human rights violations under his regime. That would only make him a strong leader and pave a way for The Gambia to come to terms with its past.” Binneh

Apologising! Mama mia, allure what has this world come to? After friend’s of Binneh disappeared on the faithful day of November 11, apologising for that will erase everything, what a forgiven gesture. If life doesn’t mean life in the Gambia, but at least it means life imprisonment.

“Sparring on the plight of Africa and developing nations in the modern world, President Jammeh’s argument falls right on the trajectories of history. Although institutional failures in modern day African governments could take some of the brunt, post-colonial Africa has been designed as an instrument of exploitation. Africa’s relations with Multinational cooperation’s are not based on openness, trust, mutual respect and interest. The Gambian leader made a compelling argument, and ending Africa’s image as a neo-colonial exploitative unit is the first step in confronting the continents challenge. And that could only be attained by taking leadership and ownership through accountability and transparency based on mutual interest.” Binneh
An unnecessary complaint there. Africa needs to be strong enough to bargain to its interest.

“The only observation with this part of President Jammeh’s argument is the standard of diplomatic language used in his characterization of Multinational Co-operations. He therefore fell short by referring to Multi-National co-operations as “locusts,” and the United Nations as an “Animal Farm.” Such a language should be left for scholars to use, but not a Head of State. The use of diplomatic language in the international diplomatic arena is critical as it has a direct impact on the image of a leader and a nation. Hopefully, President Jammeh’s speech writers would take concrete steps to ensure that proper diplomatic language is used in all his forthcoming speeches at International Functions.” Binneh

Complaining about Jammeh’s language usage alone spells more than what Binneh hopes to pass on. I for one can’t believe this.

“On the question of deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, President Jammeh must be commended for acknowledging global efforts and calling on support for International Research on the use of traditional medicine in confronting the menaces of diseases in Africa. This has indeed manifested the President dropping his previous claims of curing aids and seeking for a collective global support for traditional treatments using theories and hypothesis of modern science. By boldly using the United Nation General Assembly as a venue to do so, the Gambian leader manifested courage and commitment to the global quest of tackling the menaces of deadly diseases.” Binneh

Yeah indeed, an irresponsible claim that Binneh. How many Gambians may have relied on their leaders mystical powers? The U.N is not a place to complain, it is a place to bargain.

“Hopefully great lessons are learned from this experience. His overall Performance was encouraging for a Young African Leader of modern times. This is just a food for thought.” Binneh

Good bye Binneh. That ending remark cemented the suspicion of a change of heart. African young leaders! Leadership is much more than being a head of state.
One vital point we all need to bear in mind is that, scholarship is much more than being objective. Hiding behind objective analysis borders on massaging egos, western or all other serious scholars adopted critical minds and outlook in exploring their conditions. Pan-African, or ordinary aspirants to the ocean of scholarship must first rationally admit the guilt of our own self-inflicted harm, before praising tyrants who never hesitate to kill a (black man/woman) for their power preservation.
International bodies are aware of the self-hate inherent among us, they were once our colonial masters, lived among us and did research on us. How can some think that, a rant by one of our misguided president will make them look or think of us any different?
How many volunteers from the west do we have among us? Whatever Jammeh or all other African heads of states do, is well known to the international bodies. If we don’t respect ourselves, why should others respect us? If we help tyrants imprison and kill our people (all in the name of development) why should others think that we have moved on?
It is a positive step for Binneh to position himself in the scholarship domain, but with his experience of the man whose speech he wish us to take as commendable defies all rational thoughts.

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